Ginger Up Your Health: Tasty Recipes for Boosting Male Potency

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Ginger: The Key to Boosting Male Potency for Centuries. The therapeutic properties of ginger have been known for ages, with ginger tea, tinctures, and pickled root being popular remedies to cure ailments. However, what many might not know is that ginger has also been used to enhance male potency. In this article, we’ll focus on exploring this particular application of the root.

For 5 thousand years, ginger has been actively used in medicine. The ancient Romans, Chinese and many other nations appreciated its properties. In nature, the plant is practically not found, it is cultivated artificially, which determines its high value.

Apart from diarrhoea and other stomach problems, cataracts, depression and inflammation, the spicy root is good for treating impotence. As you know, potency disorders can occur in men of any age. In addition to age and psychological factors, the cause may be a poor blood supply to the penis due to damaged blood vessels or a lack of testosterone. Rich in vitamins and minerals, ginger is quite capable of helping with this. It contains gingerol, shogaol and zingiberene. Japanese experts have confirmed that these substances improve blood vessel function.

Ginger root is also a strong aphrodisiac, stimulating arousal with its pleasant aroma. There is even a whole Eastern technique for treating impotence through aromatherapy with the addition of ginger – Moxa therapy. Special sticks are burned close to the body to create heat and induce perspiration. However, ginger in almost any form has been proven to be very effective in correcting problems with erections, premature ejaculation and spermatoremia.

Important precautions

There are many recipes for delicious and flavourful ginger-based drinks and snacks, the regular consumption of which will have an excellent effect on male health. Experts advise to approach natural remedies wisely: choose only one and consume it for a while to gauge the body’s reaction. 

Neither should it completely replace medication, if it is needed. You should not consume more than 4 g of ginger per day. For some illnesses (e.g. acid reflux) and certain medications, even less. If you have problems with your potency, stomach or any other organs, you should first consult a specialist. 

Fresh roots that have been harvested no more than 3 weeks ago are considered the most effective. It should be stored in a dark, cool and dry place. 

Best recipes with ginger

Grated root

The most obvious remedy is simply pureed grated ginger, which can be added to all kinds of dishes: sauces, soups, baked goods, roasts, etc. Also in various infusions and decoctions. Ginger powder is similarly used. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

Dissolve 1 teaspoon of the powder in hot water and let it steep for a while to get a healthy drink. You can improve its taste with honey or lemon. Be careful not to add honey to very hot liquids, as it will damage its taste.

Ginger Juice

The juice can either be prepared by grating and pressing the root with a gauze or in a juicer. In the second case it is better to add a little water to the ginger.

The fresh juice can be used as an additive to other dishes and drinks. Also remember that the juice itself and drinks based on it should be kept in the refrigerator and consumed within 2 days.

Ginger tea 

There are different options here. You can make your favourite tea – black, green or otherwise – and add some juice or grated root to it. You can also make the tea straight into a hot ginger drink.

Boil peeled grated or finely chopped root (about 3 cm per glass of water) over low heat for about 10 minutes, and you will get a natural tea with a spicy taste and aroma, which is an excellent substitute for coffee. You can add any healthful ingredients to it. It can be mint, echinacea extract, chamomile, spices (pepper, turmeric, cinnamon and others). 

Ginger tea with lemon is an excellent detoxifying agent, which also improves immunity, skin condition and digestion. To make this drink, take 1 lemon slice per teaspoon of grated root, pour boiling water over them and let them infuse for 5 minutes.

Drink ginger teas best before meals or before going to bed, but no more than 2 cups a day. Without sugar, but with honey to taste. By the way, honey is one of the best complements to ginger tea, because it enhances its tart flavor and has many beneficial properties, including antibacterial, antiviral and others. In cold seasons this tea is a good warming, and in summer it will be refreshing if served with ice.

Spiced ginger

A spice-based drink – almost like mulled wine, but much healthier – will appeal to lovers of original flavours. Cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon, together with ginger and lemon peel, are very good for men’s health and also have an effective anti-inflammatory effect.

Take the ingredients at the rate of 2-3 cm of ginger root, 2-3 “cloves” of cloves, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and nutmeg (or 1 nutmeg) per cup. Put the spices, ginger and zest in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to the boil. Once the mixture comes to the boil, reduce the heat, then turn off after 2 minutes and leave to simmer, covered. Strain the liquid. Consume no more than 100 ml at a time. Replace the zest with fresh lemon if you like, add mint, remove the walnut or clove from the recipe.

Ginger Tincture

Tincture of the root works well on its own or added to tea. For 15g of grated ginger, take 100ml of alcohol and 15g of turmeric. Mix them together in a glass container, which you then close with an airtight lid. Put it in a dark, dry place. Now you have to wait 6-8 weeks, shaking the container a little every day.

Pickled ginger root

To preserve the beneficial properties of ginger for a long time, you need to marinate it in a solution of baking acid. Take 100 ml of vinegar, 3 tablespoons of pure water, a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon and a half of sugar per 100g of root. You can also use 50 g of beetroot to give the root a nice touch.

Rub the washed and peeled root with salt and leave it overnight. In the morning rinse, dry and cut into slices. Boil some water and put the ginger in it for a couple of minutes. At this point, you can add the beetroot if you wish. Take the slices out and dry them. Mix a marinade of vinegar, sugar and water. Fill a glass jar with the ginger and cover tightly. Put in the refrigerator for 3 days, after which the snack will be ready.

Ginger candies

Ginger can be added to so many desserts. But this recipe is probably one of the healthiest for men. You will need 200g of roasted nuts of your choice, 1 teaspoon of ground ginger, 50g of white sugar, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and the same amount of honey.

Mix the honey and sugar in a saucepan and heat on the cooker until the latter has dissolved. Add the ginger and dip the nuts in the mixture. You can also coat the nuts in icing sugar, but you don’t need to do that as they will be delicious as they are. Allow to cool and then you can enjoy them.

Fruit and vegetable drink

Celery not only enhances the health benefits of ginger, but also has a health-promoting effect itself. And apple juice, lemon and spices make the drink as good for your intestines, heart and urogenital system as possible.

Take 2 lemons, 5 stalks of celery, 1 apple, 2 tablespoons of ginger powder and a pinch each of iodised salt and cayenne pepper. Squeeze the juice from the fruit, mix the apple juice first with the celery juice, add the ginger, then the lemon juice, stir. Pour the cayenne pepper and salt on top if desired, without stirring. The drink can (and preferably should) be drunk immediately.

Essential oil

Aromatherapy with concentrated ginger extract can be very beneficial. Adding a few drops of essential oil to a base (such as coconut oil) will result in a skin treatment. However, any oils should only be used after consulting a doctor, as they have very strong effects. Although experiments on rodents have shown high efficacy of the extract in treating erectile dysfunction, the necessary studies on humans are still insufficient.

Improvement of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, treatment of depression, prevention of infections and cancer, improved immunity and, of course, potency – this is not a complete list of beneficial properties of this fragrant root. Juice, powder, oil, seasoning – there are many ways to use ginger. If you’re looking to add it to your diet, select recipes and concentrations based on how you like it and how you feel. And remember that any ailment requires a holistic approach. Natural remedies are only a supplement, not a cure-all.

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  • Women’s hands hold glass with drink made from ginger root honey lemon, freshly prepared antioxidant: License Date: April 20th, 2023 Item License Code: SFD3JCE2MA

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